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Displaying 51 - 60 of 376
Type Year Title Authors Published In/At DOI or Online Location NGI Project Title NGI File # In NOAA Institutional Repository
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2021 Dramatic Near-Surface Lapse Rates at a
Grassy Berm. 21st Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation
Coleman, T. A., and K. R. Knupp American Meteorological Society Improved Understanding of the Kinematic and Thermodynamic Characteristics of Cold Season, Non-Classical Tornadic Storms 20-NGI3-109
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2021 Increases in Storm-Relative Helicity during the Afternoon-to-Evening Transition (AET) Period. Mesoscale Processes Across Scales: Engaging with Communities in the Physical and Social Sciences
Coleman, T. A., and K. R. Knupp
American Meteorologicall Society, Mesoscale Symposium Improved Understanding of the Kinematic and Thermodynamic Characteristics of Cold Season, Non-Classical Tornadic Storms 20-NGI3-109
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2021 Extreme Low-Level Wind Shear in Propagating Pressure Disturbances: Hazards to Aviation. 21st Conference on
Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology
Coleman, T. A., and J. P. Dice American Meteorological Society Improved Understanding of the Kinematic and Thermodynamic Characteristics of Cold Season, Non-Classical Tornadic Storms 20-NGI3-109
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2021 Observed Characteristics of Cold-Season Stratocumulus Clouds Preceding Severe QLCSs: Inferences on Boundary Layer Processes and Heterogeneity. Mesoscale Processes Across Scales: Engaging with Communities in the Physical and Social Sciences Knupp, K. R., and T. A. Coleman, and M. T. Starke American Meterological Society, Mesoscale Symposium Improved Understanding of the Kinematic and Thermodynamic Characteristics of Cold Season, Non-Classical Tornadic Storms 20-NGI3-109
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2021 High-Resolution Dual-Doppler Observations of Mesovortices within a Tornadic Cool-Season QLCS. 21st Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation Meyer, D., and K. Knupp American Meterological Society Improved Understanding of the Kinematic and Thermodynamic Characteristics of Cold Season, Non-Classical Tornadic Storms 20-NGI3-109
Journal Paper 2020 Upper-Ocean Response to Precipitation Forcing in an Ocean Model Hindcast of Hurricane Gonzalo Steffen, J., and M. Bourassa Journal of Physical Oceanography https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12172673 Climate Variability in Ocean Surface Turbulent Fluxes 20-NGI3-106 Not Checked
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2021 Butterfly: revealing the ocean's impact on our weather and climat C. Gentemann, C.A. Clayson, T. Lee, S. Brown, A. Subramanian, M. Bourassa, K. Lombardo, R. Parfitt, H. Seo, S. Gille, T. Farrar, J. Whitaker, D. Kleist, P. Browne, C. Harris, H. Tomita, A. Bentamy Climate Variability in Ocean Surface Turbulent Fluxes 20-NGI3-106
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2021 Objectives of an Air-Sea Interaction Observing Strategy: If we can't close the ocean heat budget, what can we do? Gille, S. T., M. Cronin, C. Gentemann, C. A. Clayson, M. Bourassa, S. Brown, T. Farrar, T. Lee, K. Lombardo, R. Parfitt, H. Seo, A. Subramanian, and V. Zlotnicki Climate Variability in Ocean Surface Turbulent Fluxes 20-NGI3-106
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2021 Effects of spatial resolution and temporal offset of air-sea boundary-layer variables on turbulent heat flux estimates Lee, T. Chelle Centemann, Carol Anne Clayson, Mark Bourassa, Shannon Brown, Tom Farrar, Kelly Lombardo, Sarah Gille, Rhys Parfitt, Hyodae Seo, Aneesh Subramanian, and Victor Zlotnick Climate Variability in Ocean Surface Turbulent Fluxes 20-NGI3-106
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2021 A Newly Developed Form Drag Derived from Sea Spray Influenced Surface Wind Stress at Hurricane Force Winds Richardson, R., M. A. Bourassa, S. L. Morey Climate Variability in Ocean Surface Turbulent Fluxes 20-NGI3-106