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Displaying 21 - 30 of 376
Type Year Title Authors Published In/At DOI or Online Location NGI Project Title NGI File # In NOAA Institutional Repository
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2021 Dramatic Near-Surface Lapse Rates at a
Grassy Berm
Coleman, T. A., and K. R. Knupp 21st Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation, American Meteorological Society VORTEX-SE 2020 Field Campaign Activities: Observations of the Environment and Evolution of Non-Classical Tornadic Storms 19-NGI3-88
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2021 Increases in Storm-Relative Helicity during the Afternoon-to-Evening Transition (AET) Period. Mesoscale Processes Across Scales: Engaging with Communities in the Physical and Social Sciences
Coleman, T. A., and K. R. Knupp
21st Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Mesoscale Symposium VORTEX-SE 2020 Field Campaign Activities: Observations of the Environment and Evolution of Non-Classical Tornadic Storms 19-NGI3-88
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2021 Extreme Low-Level Wind Shear in Propagating Pressure Disturbances: Hazards to Aviation Coleman, T. A., and J. P. Dice 21st Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society VORTEX-SE 2020 Field Campaign Activities: Observations of the Environment and Evolution of Non-Classical Tornadic Storms 19-NGI3-88
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2021 Observed Characteristics of Cold-Season Stratocumulus Clouds Preceding Severe QLCSs: Inferences on Boundary Layer Processes and Heterogeneity. Mesoscale Processes Across Scales: Engaging with Communities in the Physical and Social Sciences Knupp, K. R., and T. A. Coleman, and M. T. Starke American Meterological Society, Mesoscale Symposium VORTEX-SE 2020 Field Campaign Activities: Observations of the Environment and Evolution of Non-Classical Tornadic Storms 19-NGI3-88
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2021 High-Resolution Dual-Doppler Observations of Mesovortices within a Tornadic Cool-Season QLCS. 21st Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation Meyer, D., and K. Knupp 21st Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, American Meterological Society VORTEX-SE 2020 Field Campaign Activities: Observations of the Environment and Evolution of Non-Classical Tornadic Storms 19-NGI3-88
Journal Paper 2020 Observed Near-storm Environment Variations across the Southern Cumberland Plateau System in Northeastern Alabama. Lyza, A.W., and T. A. Murphy, B. T. Goudeau, P. T. Pangle, K. R. Knupp, and R. A. Wade Monthly Weather Review https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-18-0300.1 VORTEX-SE 2019 Field Campaign Activities: Mesoscale Variability of CAPE, SHEAR, and PBL Characteristics 18-NGI3-40 Not Checked
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2019 Extreme Low-Level Wind Shear in Propagating Pressure Disturbances Coleman, T., and K. Knupp National Weather Association VORTEX-SE 2019 Field Campaign Activities: Mesoscale Variability of CAPE, SHEAR, and PBL Characteristics 18-NGI3-40
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2019 Radar climatology of precipitation features in close proximity to supercell tornadic storms Pangle, P. and K. Knupp National Weather Association VORTEX-SE 2019 Field Campaign Activities: Mesoscale Variability of CAPE, SHEAR, and PBL Characteristics 18-NGI3-40
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2019 Observed Effects of the Northeastern Alabama Plateaus on the Near-Storm Environment of Tornadic Storms Lyza, A., T.A. Murphy, B.T. Goudeau, P.T. Pangle, K.R. Knupp, and R.A. Wade National Weather Association VORTEX-SE 2019 Field Campaign Activities: Mesoscale Variability of CAPE, SHEAR, and PBL Characteristics 18-NGI3-40
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2019 Preliminary Observations of the Role of Widespread Precipitation in the Evolution of the Near-Storm Environment of the 13-14 April 2019 Tornado Event in Eastern Mississippi and Northwestern Alabama during VORTEX-SE Meso18-19 Lyza, Al, P.T. Pangle and K.R. Knupp National Weather Association VORTEX-SE 2019 Field Campaign Activities: Mesoscale Variability of CAPE, SHEAR, and PBL Characteristics 18-NGI3-40