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Displaying 171 - 180 of 343
Type Year Title Authors Published In/At DOI or Online Location NGI Project Title NGI File # In NOAA Institutional Repository
Journal Paper 2020 Quantifying spatiotemporal variability in zooplankton dynamics in the Gulf of Mexico with a physical-biogeochemical model Shropshire, T. S.L. Morey, E. Chassignet, A. Bozec, V. Coles, M. Landry, R. Swalethorp, G. Zapfe, and M. Stukel Biogeosciences https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-17-3385-2020 Modeling Climate Impacts on Fish Larvae Mortality in the Gulf of Mexico 18-NGI3-41 Not Checked
Conference/Workshop Presentation/Poster/Paper 2020 Zooplankton validation in a physical-biogeochemical model with potentially valuable applications to fisheries management in the Gulf of Mexico Shropshire, T., M.R. Stukel, E. Chassignet, S.L. Morey, V. Coles, S.-K. Lee, M. Karnauskas, G. Zapfe, and M.R. Landry AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting NOAA Fisheries and the Environment (FATE): Development of Environmentally Driven Larval Mortality and Age-0 Abundance Indices for a Suite of Coastal Pelagic Species in the Gulf of Mexico 18-NGI3-52
Journal Paper 2021 A framework for simulating the tropical-cyclone boundary layer using large-eddy simulation and its use in evaluating pbl parameterizations Chen, X., G. H. Bryan, J. A. Zhang, J. J. Cione, and F. D. Marks Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-20-0227.1 Toward Improved Understanding and Modeling of Boundary Layer Processes in Tropical Cyclones Using Large-Eddy Simulation 21-NGI4-01 Not Checked
Journal Paper 2021 Role of advection of parameterized turbulence kinetic energy in idealized tropical cyclone simulations Chen, X., and G. H. Bryan Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-21-0088.1 Toward Improved Understanding and Modeling of Boundary Layer Processes in Tropical Cyclones Using Large-Eddy Simulation 21-NGI4-01 Not Checked
Journal Article 2023 Estimating precision and accuracy of automated video post-processing: A step towards implementation of AI/ML for optics-based fish sampling Prior, J.H., M.D. Campbell, M. Dawkins, P.F. Mickle, R.J. Moorhead, S.Y. Alaba, C. Shah, J.R. Salisbury, K.R. Rademacher, A.P. Felts, F. Wallace Frontiers in Marine Science https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1150651 Video and Imagery Data Management for Fisheries Assessments 21-NGI4-11 & 20-NGI3-111 N/A
Journal Article 2022 Class-Aware Fish Species Recognition Using Deep Learning for an Imbalanced Dataset Alaba, S.Y., M.M. Nabi, C. Shah, J.H. Prior, M.D. Campbell, J.E. Ball, R.J. Moorhead Sensors https://doi.org/10.3390/s22218268 Video and Imagery Data Management for Fisheries Assessments 21-NGI4-11 & 20-NGI3-111 N/A
Other Type Presentation 2023 Implementing Automated Image Analysis in NOAA Fisheries Video Surveys Prior, J.H., M.D. Campbell Scripps Machine Learners Group Seminar Video and Imagery Data Management for Fisheries Assessments 21-NGI4-11 & 20-NGI3-111 N/A
Other Type Presentation 2022 Toward Improved Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization Schemes in High-Wind Conditions using Large-Eddy Simulations and Observations Chen, Xiaomin NOAA/AOML seminar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxsbGL5D6ik&list=PL28oQKKcsTphfH6inbKQEWwkj3SnBos1O&index=4&ab_channel=NOAA_AOML Toward improved understanding and modeling of boundary layer processes in tropical cyclones using large-eddy simulation 21-NGI4-01 & 21-NGI4-39 N/A
Conference Presentation 2023 An Improved PBL Scheme in Hurricane Conditions using Large-Eddy Simulations and Its Impact on Hurricane Forecasts from HAFS Xiaomin Chen, G. H. Bryan, A. Hazelton, F. D. Marks Jr., ScD, P. Fitzpatrick, G. J. Alaka Jr., C. Zhang, B. Liu, W. Wang, and Z. Zhang AMS 103rd Annual Meeting https://ams.confex.com/ams/103ANNUAL/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/417224 Toward improved understanding and modeling of boundary layer processes in tropical cyclones using large-eddy simulation 21-NGI4-01 & 21-NGI4-40 N/A
Conference Publication 2023 Real-Time and Retrospective Evaluation of the Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS-S Version) Andrew T. Hazelton, G. J. Alaka Jr., L. J. Gramer, W. Ramstrom, X. Chen, M. C. Ko, S. D. Ditchek, K. K. Ahern, G. R. Alvey III, S. Gopalakrishnan, X. Zhang, F. D. Marks Jr., ScD, B. Liu, Z. Zhang, W. Wang, J. Shin, A. Mehra, and V. S. Tallapragada AMS 103rd Annual Meeting https://ams.confex.com/ams/103ANNUAL/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/412918 Toward improved understanding and modeling of boundary layer processes in tropical cyclones using large-eddy simulation 21-NGI4-01 & 21-NGI4-41 N/A