UAS Workshop Summary is Highlighted by NOAA
April 10, 2013

A recent Summary Report on the
Optimal Unmanned Aircraft Systems River Observing Strategy Workshop is being highlighted on
NOAA's UAS web site and is receiving much attention from other federal agencies as well. The Summary Report was authored by Dr. Robert Moorhead, NGI director, Robbie Hood, NOAA UAS Program Director, and John Coffey, NOAA UAS Program Office.
The Workshop was held at a National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) facility in Boulder, Colorado February 22-23, 2012, for the purpose of bringing together representatives of the NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) River Forecast Centers (RFCs) and representatives of vendors or operators of Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) platforms, sensors, and service providers. The workshop was a step towards integrating UASs into the workflow for the RFCs.
The body of the report summarizes the two days of presentations and discussions. Appendix A contains four tables: the workshop agenda, the workshop attendees, the RFC requirements that UAS could potentially address, and the UAS sensor resolutions needed for the RFC requirements.
The workshop was organized by Mississippi State University (MSU), the prime university in NOAA's Northern Gulf Institute (NGI), and by the NOAA UAS Program Office.
View the full report.