Project Status | Project Title | PI Last Name | PI First Name | PI Affiliation | Project Description | Start Date | End Date | Co-PI Last Name | Co-PI First Name | Co-PI Affiliation | Research Theme | Funding Source | Award Amount | MSU Award Number | Current NGI File Number | |
Active | Enhanced Seasonal Landfalling Hurricane Outlook | Mercer | Andrew | MSU | Hurricane predictions typically utilize statistical methods, but researchers are investigating the u More ... | 10/1/2019 | 2022-9-30 0:0:0 | Coastal Hazards CH | OAR | $236,851.00 | 191001.363513.01J | 19-NGI3-77 | ||||
Active | Asymmetric Influences of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans on the Decadal Drought Frequency in the Southern U.S. | Mercer | Andrew | MSU | Drought conditions and their frequency in the southeast U.S. are modulated by complex interactions o More ... | 10/1/2021 | 2023-9-30 0:0:0 | CH-CE | OAR | $125,432.00 | 361484-191001-021000 | 21-NGI4-15 | ||||
Completed | Transition of Machine-Learning Based Rapid Intensification Forecasts to Operations | Mercer | Andrew | MSU | A machine learning-based forecast for tropical cyclone rapid intensification (RI) was built as a fir More ... | 7/1/2017 | 2020-6-30 0:0:0 | Coastal Hazards CH | OAR | $203,373.00 | 363526-191001-021000 | NA17OAR4590140 | ||||